Issues to be reviewed included preliminary vetting of the merits of an application ; the eligibility criteria for joining the panel of counsel ; assignment of cases to lawyers not on the panels ; frequency of progress reports ; time taken by lad to review its decision not to grant legal aid following issue of a counsel s certificate stating that the applicant had a reasonable chance of success in the intended appeal to cfa and possible expansion in the scope of the scheme 检讨的事宜包括初步审查申请的成功机会纳入大律师名册的资格准则外判案件予非名册律师进度报告的次数如发出大律师证明书证明申请人上诉至终审法院将有合理成功机会,法援署覆核其拒批法援的决定所需的时间,以及计划可能扩大的范围。
Issues to be reviewed included preliminary vetting of the merits of an application ; the eligibility criteria for joining the panel of counsel ; assignment of cases to lawyers not on the panels ; frequency of progress reports ; time taken by lad to review its decision not to grant legal aid following issue of a counsel s certificate stating that the applicant had a reasonable chance of success in the intended appeal to cfa and possible expansion in the scope of the scheme 检讨的事宜包括初步审查申请的成功机会;纳入大律师名册的资格准则;外判案件予非名册律师;进度报告的次数;如发出大律师证明书证明申请人上诉至终审法院将有合理成功机会,法援署覆核其拒批法援的决定所需的时间,以及计划可能扩大的范围。